Sunday, February 5, 2012

Not Getting Seen, Not Getting Cast: A Message to Actors

I recently posted on the Bitching Post section of Audition Update in response to all the frustration I was seeing in the posts on the site about the current audition season. I received such a great response to it that I decided to re-post it here in blog form. If you like it and you know someone who needs to hear it, please pass it on.

In light of the frustration that is almost palpable lately, I would like to give you all my humble opinion. I know how hard this is. Every actor on this page knows. I often see the Union vs. Non-Union divide being illustrated on Audition Update, but I am here to tell you that it is frustrating no matter what your union status. My site is not a site for non-union actors. Nor is it a site for union actors. It is a site for ACTORS.
People look up to actors. They do so because they recognize in them the part of themselves that they wish they didn't compromise, and for one small moment, they are once again dreamers. Look at the face of the out-of-towners and how they light up when they find out their waiter is an actor. That happens because no ever grows up dreaming of being a customer service representative. Each and every one of you has done something so extraordinary. You closed your eyes and you leapt. No safety net, no parachute, you just jumped and you had faith that you would figure how to fly on the way down. The problem is that you SURROUND yourselves with others just like you and so you lose sight of how special it is because the people you are with every day are just as brave. What you have to remember is that most of the world is not like that. Most of the world is not that brave. That sort of bravery is EXHAUSTING! It depletes you physically, mentally, and spiritually. YOU NEED TO TAKE A DAY OFF. You need to not only rest, but to recharge you soul. If you don’t, there will not be much of a soul to bare when you eventually do get on stage.
There is a huge difference between skipping an audition because you are being lazy and skipping because it is what your art needs you to do to be better prepared for the next opportunity. PLEASE stop beating yourselves up over taking time off. And if you are beating yourself up for not getting seen, for God’s sake, I say take a day. Feed you spirit. We have all been where you are. We have all sat on those benches. Take comfort in knowing you are merely warming the spot of the person who will sit there after you and you are just there waiting to fill the seat ahead of you.
Stay strong, stay brave, and please remember that nothing worthwhile was ever easy. If nothing else, please know that I respect you all for what you put yourself through, because I have been there myself.

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